MarkSetBot offers many pre-set course layouts that make it quick and simple to set your course. Below are the layouts available in the MarkSetBot app.
Here is the key for each of the orange dots on the layouts below:
Box Offset:
Box to Port:
Box to Port Offset:
Digital M:
Digital N:
L/W Reaching Start:
L/W Reaching Start to Port:
L/W Cross:
Used for training going reach to reach with jibe and tack at each side
One Line:
Used for lining up Bots for towing or display
Slalom on Port:
Slalom 3 Turn:
Slalom 3 Turn on Port:
Slalom 4 Turn:
Slalom 4 Turn on Port:
Slalom w/ Downwind:
Slalom w/ Downwind on Port:
Training Converging:
Training Diverging:
Trap 60 Custom Wing:
Wing length is set based on "Offset/Wing Length" and the Wing is 60 degrees off
Trap 60 Custom Wind Centered:
Trap 70 Custom Wing:
Wing length is set based on "Offset/Wing Length" and the Wing is 70 degrees off
Trap 70 Custom Wing Centered:
Trap 60 Fixed Wing 66%:
Wing is 2/3 the length of the upwind leg and the wing is 60 degrees off
Trap 60 Fixed Wing 66% Centered:
Trap 70 Fixed Wing 66%:
Wing is 2/3 the length of the upwind leg and the wing is 70 degrees off
Trap 70 Fixed Wing 66% Centered:
Trap 70 One Design:
Trap 80 One Design:
Tri 60 Same as Start:
Tri 60 Downwind:
Tri 60 Starboard Side of Start:
Tri 90 Same as Start:
Tri 90 Downwind:
Tri 90 Starboard Side of Start:
W/L Same as Start:
W/L Same as Start Centered:
W/L Starboard Side of Start:
W/L Same as Start Downwind Offset:
W/L Starboard Side of Start Downwind Offset:
W/L Downwind:
W/L 80 Same as Start:
80 degree offset
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